The WeinbergsVIELFALT circular trail is to be created in the Lieser vineyards. Young and old are encouraged to actively observe and experience the vineyards and their biodiversity. On the 3.6 km circular trail through the Rosenlay vineyard site, information boards present the different habitats of the animals and plants. The mascot ‘Turlie’, the kestrel, takes over the comprehensible speech to children. He gives tips and sets small tasks.
Donations have already been raised through VVR Bank’s crowdfunding project ‘Many create more’. However, to ensure that special measures such as additional seating, a selfie spot and a living stele can be realised alongside the information boards, we absolutely need further donations that go beyond the crowdfunding target.
The following QR code will take you directly to the ‘Many create more!’ page
The bank will add an additional € 10.00 per donor for the project.
You can also find more information about the circular trail on the crowdfunding page:
For us locals, the circular trail contributes to local recreation and for our guests it is another highlight of their holiday.
Please support the project! Thank you very much !
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Katharina Loersch.
You want to transfer money directly?
Please use the transfer information for payment. If the project does not reach its funding target, everyone will get their money back. You can request a donation receipt directly from the project initiators. Please note that your support will only be credited to the project once payment has been received. For reasons of data protection, your donation will appear anonymously in the public view if you make a direct transfer.
Account holder: VR Payment für Viele schaffen mehr
DE: DE33 6606 0000 0000 1377 49
Reason for payment: P25400 – Lieserer Rundweg ‘WeinbergsVIELFALT’